


In line with the London Union Society’s goal of supporting and developing students’ understandings of domestic and global affairs, The Union will offer weekly panels to its Members.

Panels facilitate discussions which are not suitable in the debate format. The open forum of discussions aims to increase awareness of contemporary issues which Members may choose to act upon and mobilise within their own communities or sectors, thus directly linking to the core of The Union’s ethos, which is structured by the Self-Determination Theory.

The London Union Society aims to continuously support and help students’ develop their understandings of domestic and global affairs. As such, the union proposes offering expert panel discussions as one of the many exceptional activities which union Members can participate in. The aim of a panel discussion is to bring together experts and advocates, in a specified field, allowing them to share and build upon each other’s experiences. In many situations it encourages different view points to be expressed so that the audience may benefit from a well-rounded discussion. As a result, this open forum of discussion aims to increase awareness of contemporary issues in which Members may choose to act upon and mobilise within their own communities or sectors.

Panels offer the development of competence and relatedness within Members’ desired sectors, through acquisition of knowledge and networking with either panellists or fellow Members. In the long term, Members can utilise the knowledge and network of contact to influence change or achieve success within their desired sectors.

Our panels will include a diverse and inclusive discourse delivered by academics, field workers, grassroots supporters, leading experts and policy makers. The topics of the panels will encompass, but is not limited with restricted views from the London Union Themes, varying contemporary issues affecting Members.

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